Cooper Gulch Park may soon be joining the ranks of other world heritage sites like the Giza Pyramids, the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon. A recent envoy of representatives from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) happened upon this unlikely candidate while visiting the neighboring Myrtle Grove Cemetery. Dee Scolfe, said “We were intrigued by the well-worn path in the cemetery leading down to a little school house. When we saw a local man squeeze through the chain link fence, we decided to follow him.” What they found astounded them. Nestled among the tall trees surrounding the lush field they found artfully designed metal baskets perched high on poles draped with chains. They witnessed nurturing men with strollers carrying bags of small plastic plates and most curious of all, they found a large cavernous pool lacking water but, never-the-less, well attended by kids with rolling boards. The unusual cultural aspects of the park considered in combination with extraordinary ecological setting prompted the two representatives to nominate Cooper Gulch Park as a World Heritage Site. April Fools!